To activate the editing mode, you can double-click on the window background or activate the context menu with the right mouse button and select ‘Enable edit mode’.
When the status of edit is active, the monochrome background is replaced with a dotted background.
The edit mode is not applicable if the window is locked.
When the editing mode is activated, some commands become available. Some of them can be called via the context menu and you can perform some other operations by acting directly on the controls.
What you can do by acting directly on the controls
Selecting a control. A click on a control determines the selection. A click on another control determines the de-selection of the first one and the selection of the second one. Visually, a selected control is highlighted with a red frame.
Selecting a group of controls in any position. To select more than one control, hold down the CTRL key while you click on the controls
Selection of a group of controls contained within a rectangular area. Locate the rectangular area by clicking on the background of the window in one of the corners of the area and dragging the mouse with the button pressed until you reach the opposite corner. When you release the mouse, the controls included in the defined area will be selected.
Opening the control property page. A double click on the control (excluding text areas that represent the values of the channels and of the memory address controls) determines the opening of the property page where you can modify the functional and graphical properties of controls. The use of the property page will be examined in more detail below.
Moving of selected controls. The selection of controls, also activates a button to immediately move the selection.
The button is located in the upper left corner and shows an icon in the shape of a cross. You can move the selected controls clicking on the button once to start operation and a second time after the move. The shift also works between different containers.
Directly Entering a value to send it to the ECU memory. A double-click in the text areas that represent the value of a channel or memory address determines the activation of the write mode. The background of the value text box turns blue and the text box moves down from its original position.
In this mode, you can write a new value that will be sent to the control unit when you press the enter key. The new value will be actually sent only if it matches the formal rules of control. The new value will be accepted by the ECU if its application sw can write to the address associated with the control.
Press escape to exit edit mode without committing the changes.
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The command creates a control of type text. This type of control is not related to any database device and will not have communication activities. It has the sole purpose of showing a free text in the container.
This command enables the property page.
Only the significant properties for this type of control are enabled.
Section ‘Main settings
This section lists a single property called ‘Custom Title’ that is used to define the text that will be shown on screen.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
Section look
In this section you can manage settings to define the appearance of the control.
Custom font. By clicking on the button next to the name of the font, you can change the font used to render the control.
Custom value text color. By clicking on the button next to the color, you can change the text foreground color
Custom value text background color. By clicking on the button next to the color, you can change the text background color.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
The command creates a control to display the value of a channel. This type of control is hooked to a database device and will have activities of communication. The control is a box that contains the value read from a data channel of the unit, a title and an auxiliary text. When the display is in online, the value is updated continuously to a variable frequency that depends on the number of variables sampled, the bitrate, the speed of response of the control unit and the time of processing data received. This command enables the device and channel selection page.
If you select a device, you can see the list of related available channles in the lower part. You can search for a channel in the list by typing in the text box next to the search button and then pressing the search button. The command supports wildcards ? And *. The ? character means that you will find in the search results those names that contain any character in the position occupied by ?. Each ? corresponds to a single character. The * character means that you will find in the search results those names that contain any sequence of characters (including none) in the position occupied by the * character.
When you have found the channel you are searching for, check the box next to the channel name and press Ok. A new box will be inserted into the window with the default parameters taken from the database of the device.
You can change these parameters in the property page. Enter the propery page by double-clicking the control or by selecting the control and then pressing the Properties command from the context menu.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page, cancels the changes.
Section Main settings
In this section you can
* change the device and the channel using the buttons next to the device name and the name of the channel. With these commands, you access a page very similar to those used for the insertion of the control in which you can change the initial choice. * change the “custom title” that is the main label that appears to the left of the value. * change the custom description that is the text that appears as a tooltip when you hover your mouse over the control.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
Section Scaling
In this section you can:
Change the type of representation choosing between decimal, 2’s complement, hexadecimal, binary and text
Change the coefficients for the scaling if you want to use coefficients other than those set in the database of the device. The formula that will be applied to the binary value to get the engineering value is: engineering value = (( binary value * gain 1) + offset 1) / (( binary value * gain 2) + offset 2). The formula applies only to decimal and 2’s complement.
Change the format used to define how the string is printed to the screen (see Formatting strings).
Change the custom auxiliary text that is the label that appears to the right of the value (usually used for units measurement)
Set a sequence of bits for the generation of a new variable from the binary content read from the control unit. If no custom sequence is set, all the bits are used for the construction of the value. The implied sequence used is therefore 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 for a 1 byte variable and 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 for a 2-bytes variable where the numbers indicate the position of the bit. Setting a custom sequence different from the implied one may be useful to isolate one or more bits in the variable, if these bits have a specific meaning. If you write in the sequence field a series of bit positions as for example 2,3 , you get a variable derived from these only 2 bits.
You can also create a variable that does not use a sequence of consecutive and increasing numbers.
For example, the sequence 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 produces a variable resulting from a byte where all the bits have been reversed.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
Section Look
In this section you can manage settings to define the appearance of the control.
Custom font. By clicking on the button next to the name of the font, you can change the font used to render the control.
Custom value text color. By clicking on the button next to the color, you can change the text foreground color
Custom value background color. By clicking on the button next to the color, you can change the text background color.
Custom title color. By clicking on the button next to the color, you can change the color of the title text and auxiliary text (unit)
Custom title background color. By clicking on the button next to the color, you can change the color of background of the title text and of the auxiliary (unit).
Custom title position. By default, the title is to the left of value but using the control menu, you can choose to place it above the value.
Custom auxiliary text position. By default, auxiliary text (unit) is on the right of the value but using the control menu, you can choose to place it below the value.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page, cancels the changes.
Section Command
In this section you can configure the control to run as a command. If the control is configured as a command, the field value is replaced by an image of a button. The image is in 2 versions and in 3 states for each version.
The control run as command uses the value read from the control unit to display the corresponding image (active, inactive, invalid value) and allows the user to use the button to write to the unit the ON value, if the current value is the OFF value, or the OFF value, if the current value is the ON value. You can execute the command by a mouse click on the image or using a keyboard shortcut.
The operation of the control command assumes that the value of the connected channel can take only two values corresponding to the On and OFF values. If the variable takes a value other than these two, ECT shows the image that represents an indeterminate state and the command is no longer usable.
Command enable. It enables the command mode. ON value. If ECT reads this value from the ECU, it shows the image that represents the ON status. The value is hidden if the variable has a custom bit sequence made up by a single bit. In this case ECT assumes tha the ON value is 1 OFF value. If ECT reads this value from the ECU, it shows the image that represents the OFF status. The value is hidden if the variable has a custom bit sequence made up by a single bit. In this case ECT assumes tha the OFF value is 0 Image type. You can choose from 2 image types. The type of image does not affect the behaviour of the command. Shortcut key. Optionally, a shortcut key chosen in the numbers between 1 and 9, can be used to ease the command run.
The command creates a led control that changes status depending on the value of a channel. This type of control is hooked to a database device and will have activities of communication.
The control is a box that contains a colored rounded image. The color of the image is bright if the activation conditions are met and dark if the conditions are not met.
When the display is in online, the value is updated continuously to a variable frequency that depends on the number of variables sampled, the bitrate, the speed of response of the control unit and the time of processing data received.
This command enables the device and channel selection page.
If you select a device, you can see the list of related available channles in the lower part. You can search for a channel in the list by typing in the text box next to the search button and then pressing the search button. The command supports wildcards ? And *.
The ? character means that you will find in the search results those names that contain any character in the position occupied by ?. Each ? corresponds to a single character. The * character means that you will find in the search results those names that contain any sequence of characters (including none) in the position occupied by the * character.
When you have found the channel you are searching for, check the box next to the channel name and press Ok. A new box will be inserted into the window with the default parameters taken from the database of the device.
You can change these parameters in the property page. Enter the propery page by double-clicking the control or by selecting the control and then pressing the Properties command from the context menu.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
Section Main settings
In this section you can
- change the device and the channel using the buttons next to the device name and the name of the channel. With these commands, you access a page very similar to those used for the insertion of the control in which you can change the initial choice.
- change the custom description that is the text that appears as a tooltip when you hover your mouse over the control.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
Section Scaling
In this section you can:
Change the type of representation choosing between decimal, 2’s complement, hexadecimal, binary and text
Change the coefficients for the scaling if you want to use coefficients other than those set in the database of the device. The formula that will be applied to the binary value to get the engineering value is: engineering value = (( binary value * gain 1) + offset 1) / (( binary value * gain 2) + offset 2). The formula applies only to decimal and 2’s complement.
Set a sequence of bits for the generation of a new variable from the binary content read from the control unit. If no custom sequence is set, all the bits are used for the construction of the value. The implied sequence used is therefore 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 for a 1 byte variable and 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 for a 2-bytes variable where the numbers indicate the position of the bit. Setting a custom sequence different from the implied one may be useful to isolate one or more bits in the variable, if these bits have a specific meaning.
If you write in the sequence field a series of bit positions as for example 2,3 , you get a variable derived from these only 2 bits. You can also create a variable that does not use a sequence of consecutive and increasing numbers. For example, the sequence 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 produces a variable resulting from a byte where all the bits have been reversed.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
Section Led Settings
In this section you can configure specific parameters of LED control, namely color and activation conditions.
Color You can select green or red. Type is the type of condition used to display the LED as active (bright color).
The following types are available:
Active internally to limits. The led is active if the engineering value of the channel is between the values set ??in the Minimum and Maximum fields.
Fields ‘Active also for Minimum’ and ‘Active also for Maximum’ allow to include the minimum and maximum values in the values ??that make the LED active.
Active externally to limits. Similar to the previous one, but the value of the channel must be less than the minimum or greater than the Maximum.
Fields ‘Active also for Minimum’ and ‘Active also for Maximum’ allow to include the minimum and maximum values in the values ??that make the LED active.
String comparison. The LED is active if the string resulting from the conversion to a string of the bytes read from the control unit, is equal to the specified word in the ‘string’ field.
Active if bit x = 1 The LED is on when the value of the bit at position ‘Meaningful bit’ of the variable read from the control unit is equal to 1.
Active if bit x = 0 The LED is on when the value of the bit at position ‘Meaningful bit’ of the variable read from the control unit is equal to 0.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
The command creates a control to display the value of a channel. This type of control is hooked to a database device and will have activities of communication. The value read from the data channel of the ECU is written in a text pane and also represented on a cursor. Optionally, you can see on the right side of the cursor the curve or the map that was associated with the potentiometer when the channel was defined in the database of the device. When the display is in online, the value is updated continuously to a variable frequency that depends on the number of variables sampled, the bitrate, the speed of response of the control unit and the time of processing data received. The potentiometer control also allows writing the changed value to the ECU. To activate the permission to write you must use the command ‘F4 Pot’ in the command bar.
This command enables the device and channel selection page. The channel list is filtered based on the type, to show only the channels that have been declared as a potentiometer in the database of the device.
If you select a device, you can see the list of related available channles in the lower part. You can search for a channel in the list by typing in the text box next to the search button and then pressing the search button. The command supports wildcards ? And *.
The ? character means that you will find in the search results those names that contain any character in the position occupied by ?. Each ? corresponds to a single character. The * character means that you will find in the search results those names that contain any sequence of characters (including none) in the position occupied by the * character.
When you have found the channel you are searching for, check the box next to the channel name and press Ok. A new box will be inserted into the window with the default parameters taken from the database of the device. You can change these parameters in the property page. Enter the propery page by double-clicking the control or by selecting the control and then pressing the Properties command from the context menu.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
Section Main settings
In this section you can
- change the device and the channel using the buttons next to the device name and the name of the channel. With these commands, you access a page very similar to those used for the insertion of the control in which you can change the initial choice.
- change the custom title that is the main label that appears above the value.
- change the custom description that is the text that appears as a tooltip when you hover your mouse over the control.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
Section Scaling
In this section you can:
Change the type of representation choosing between decimal, 2’s complement, hexadecimal, binary and text
Change the coefficients for the scaling if you want to use coefficients other than those set in the database of the device. The formula that will be applied to the binary value to get the engineering value is: engineering value = (( binary value * gain 1) + offset 1) / (( binary value * gain 2) + offset 2). The formula applies only to decimal and 2’s complement.
Change the format used to define how the string is printed to the screen (see Formatting strings).
Change the custom auxiliary text that is the label that appears to the right of the value (usually used for units measurement)
Set a sequence of bits for the generation of a new variable from the binary content read from the control unit. If no custom sequence is set, all the bits are used for the construction of the value. The implied sequence used is therefore 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 for a 1 byte variable and 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 for a 2-bytes variable where the numbers indicate the position of the bit. Setting a custom sequence different from the implied one may be useful to isolate one or more bits in the variable, if these bits have a specific meaning.
If you write in the sequence field a series of bit positions as for example 2,3 , you get a variable derived from these only 2 bits. You can also create a variable that does not use a sequence of consecutive and increasing numbers. For example, the sequence 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 produces a variable resulting from a byte where all the bits have been reversed.
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
Section Look
In this section you can manage settings to define the appearance of the control.
Custom font. By clicking on the button next to the name of the font, you can change the font used to render the control.
Custom value text color. By clicking on the button next to the color, you can change the text foreground color
Custom value background color. By clicking on the button next to the color, you can change the text background color.
Custom title color. By clicking on the button next to the color, you can change the color of the title text and auxiliary text (unit)
Custom title background color. By clicking on the button next to the color, you can change the color of background of the title text and of the auxiliary (unit).
Use the command Apply to commit the changes. The command Exit or the escape key or closing the property page cancels the changes.
Section Potentiometer Settings
In this section you can configure the parameters specific to the Potentiometer control.
Potentiometer ID. In the dropdown menu you can choose from 6 hw and 1 sw potentiometers. Hardware potentiometers are the potentiometers of the EFI AMC console, a device that can be connected to the PC via serial port and communicate the position of each potentiometer via a simple demand response protocol. If the ‘F4’ command is active and if the control potentiometer is configured to communicate with one of the hardware knobs and the console is properly connected to the PC, the cursor position on the hardware knob is reported on the slider of the potentiometer control.
The potentiometer value is used to change the value of the map or curve linked to the potentiometer in the current breakpoint. The calculation is based on the rule set in the device database. To store the new value in the ECU, you can either presse the store button on the AMC console or use the command F2 – Pot store on the command bar of the display. The sw potentiometer works the same but has no connection with a physical device. The position of the potentiometer must be modified directly by dragging the position of the red slider of the control.
Cursor orientation The cursor can be positioned vertically or horizontally.
Minimum and maximum limits By setting these values, you can restrict the range of action of the cursor.
Default This is the default value which is significant if associated with the flag ‘Send default value if disabled’. It can be set to command the writing of the default value when the potentiometers are disabled.
The last parameters:
Correction enable Calibration is visible Descriptor Correction type
refer to the possibility to write the new calibration value to the ECU.
To perform this type of activity some data are required.
In the database of the device there must be one or more main calibration descriptors.
In a descriptor there must be a curve or a map that has as a reference channel, the channel of the potentiometer.
In the database of the device, the channel of the potentiometer must be configured by setting a type of correction.
In this way, ECT can
- allow the operator to set the descriptor from among the main calibration descriptors available in the device.
- once the descriptor is set, locate the curve or the map that has as the reference channel, the potentiometer channel. This curve or map will be the target of the correction and may optionally be represented at the right side of the potentiometer.
- show as a read-only parameter the type of correction set in the database for this potentiometer.
If data are complete, it will be possible to perform engine mapping through corrections of the current values.
To summarize the operation of engine mapping with potentiometers assumes: At device level:
- Proper configuration of a potentiometer channel including the definition of correction type.
- The curve or map, target of the mapping job, must have as reference channel the potentiometer channel.
At display level:
- Potentiometers must be enabled with the command ‘F4 Pot’ in the command bar.
- The potentiometer channel must be loaded in a display screen and in the property page a descriptor must be set (if more than 1 exist in the device) and the correction must be enabled.
- If the value of the correction must be read from a AMC console (potentiometer 1,2, .. 6) the serial port must be properly configured in the Settings page.
At hardware level:
- If the value of the correction must be read from the AMC console (potentiometer 1,2, .. 6) the console must be connected to the serial port indicated in the Settings page of the display.
The command Apply to commit your changes. The Exit command or the escape key or close the property page undo the changes.
You can resize and realign the controls on the display screen.
Select a group of controls as already seen. Open the context menu and select one of the ‘Redim’ command. Then point the control that will be the model for the reorganization of all the others.
In a similar way it is possible to re-align controls to the left and to the top with ‘Align left’ and ‘Align top’ commands.
A display screen that contains up to a maximum of 6 controls can be displayed in graphical format. To enter this mode, use the context menu item ‘Enable strip chart mode’.
In Strip Chart mode some commands are available
For each channel it allows to modify
- the display limits
- the color
- the display of the y axes to the right and to the left
- the alignment condition of the channel properties to the database
- the extended properties of the channel
Toggles between single track mode and separate track mode.
Allows you to change the time scale of the visible part of the scale of the graph. The time interval can be set from 2 seconds to 256 seconds.
If you click on PAUSE ECT stops updating values. Point your cursor on any part of the scale you want to zoom and click to place a marker. By clicking on the buttons + and – you can zoom in or out the part of the graph centered on the marker.
Legend dock mode
Allows you to choose where to display the legend
If you click on SNAPSHOT you record data displayed on screen to an EBL file to allow in-depth analysis in the Charting tool module. A gallery located above the graphics area shows the list of snapshots taken in the current working session. If you click on an element of the gallery, the corresponding snapshot opens in the Charting tool module.
Chart Off
Click CHART OFF to return to the numeric mode.