Once the calibration has been loaded, some information is shown in the ‘Device and calibration’ page and in the ‘Data’ page
User can toggle between the 2 pages. To show the ‘Device and calibration’ page, simply click the icon highlighted in orange in the following picture. To get back to the calibration values list, click on the icon next to this one.
This panel shows the information related to the device and the corresponding database.
Device name: The file name without path and extension of the XML database used to parse the currenlty loaded calibration.
Descriptor: The descriptor of the device (a device can have more than one descriptor) used to locate and scale all the variables of the calibration.
Descriptor size. The size of the memory area defined in the descriptor.
In the case of devices without ELF it is equal to the offset of the last element of the descriptor + the size of the last element of the descriptor. In the case of devices with ELF it is equal to the difference between the address of the element with the highest address – the address of the element with the lowest address + the size of the element with the highest address.Any difference between the size of the descriptor and the size of the calibration should warn the user to double check the correctness of the device choice.
- Calibration #: The base 1 index of the calibration in the control unit. Significant information only for calibrations uploaded online.
Coded name stored within the calibration itself. If the calibration was loaded from file, the internal name may be different from the file name.
Code data. Date and time of the creation of the calibration stored within the calibration itself.
The name and date are stored in a single calibration memory area. ECT’s ability to identify this zone derives from the descriptor. An incorrect descriptor can prevent ECT from deriving this type of information. The date and time information may be missing if the memory area is not large enough to hold both data.
It is possible to change the internal name with the command placed next to the fields that contain the name and the date and time.
Renaming will also automatically update the date and time
Calibration size. This is the size in bytes of the calibration.
In case of loading from file it is the size obtained from the file. If the file is in .BIN format this size is equal to the file size, if the file is in another format the calibration size is smaller than the file size.
In case of loading from the control unit, it is the size of the calibration memory area as defined in the Memory map section of the DeviceEditor.
Management of size differences between descriptor and calibration.
-Normally the descriptor size and the calibration size are the same but there may be cases where they are different.
-A typical case is that of a calibration prepared for an old firmware version which corresponded to an old version of the descriptor and then resumed after a firmware modification which also involved a modification of the descriptor. Changing the descriptor may consist of deleting or adding some variables. These changes can cause a change in the size of the memory area described by the descriptor. If you reload from a file a calibration used with the previous firmware version, interpreting it with the descriptor version derived from the new firmware, you may encounter differences in size which are reported by ECT.
Calibration size > the descriptor size.
– Loading a calibration larger than the descriptor size is allowed even if bytes exceeding the descriptor size cannot be interpreted.
-The difference with the red background color of the fields showing the size of the calibration and the size of the descriptor is indicated and a command is shown that allows you to truncate the calibration down to the size of the descriptor. The use of the command is optional. It should not be used if the exceeding part is due to the fact that the calibration was created to be interpreted with a different (longer) descriptor than the one selected. In this case the truncation would eliminate parts that the other descriptor can interpret.
Calibration size < the descriptor size.
-Loading a calibration smaller than the descriptor size is allowed.
-The difference is signaled with a message in the loading phase and the missing bytes are added to the calibration memory image until the calibration size is equal to the descriptor size. The added bytes will all have a value of 0.
The ‘Data’ section allows you to view and modify all the variables defined in the descriptor and belonging to groups declared visible.
After loading the calibration, the ‘Data’ section shows the list of groups declared visible. A double click (or enter) on a group allows you to see the variables defined as belonging to the group. A variable can appear within multiple groups.
If you double click (or press enter) on the first item (‘All groups’) you can view all the variables of the descriptor in a single list.
The list of variables of a group has the structure of a tree in which the description, value and unit of measurement of the variable are displayed.
Numeric or string variable
For this type of variable, the Value field contains the actual value of the variable in the calibration. If you double click (or press enter) on the variable you can change the value. In the case of numeric variables, the limits of the allowed values and the unit of measurement are also shown.
Curve or map variable
For this type of variable, the Value field only contains an indication of the type of variable.
Shared axis – a list of values indicating break points that can be used by multiple curves or maps.
Curve – a list of values associated with a list of breakpoints. One-dimensional vector.
Map – a table of values associated with 2 breakpoint lists. Two-dimensional matrix.
Display of the values of a curve or map variable
The description and unit of measurement are displayed at the top (1)
Below the description is the command toolbar (2)
Below the toolbar there is section (3) which allows you to edit direct changes to the selected cells
Finally, in the data grid we can distinguish the breakpoints (4) and the values (5)
After loading a calibration, ECT keeps a copy of its data in a vector which we can define as ‘Calibration in memory‘. In the case of a calibration loaded from the control unit, the ‘Calibration in memory’ is always synchronized with the calibration in the control unit. In the case of a calibration loaded from a file, synchronization with the content of the file occurs only in the file loading and saving phases.
Changes made to the values of a curve or map change the display of the value but do not change the value in the ‘Calibration in memory’. The state of out of synchronization between displayed values and ‘Calibration in memory’ is highlighted by the red background color of the first cell at the top left of the grid.
You can force the synchronization between the displayed data and the data in the ‘Calibration in memory’ only by using the confirmation command (F8) . With the confirmation command (F8), the displayed data is written to the ‘Calibration in memory’. If the calibration has been loaded from the control unit, they are also written to the control unit.
The cancel command (F11) performs the inverse operation, ie realigns the displayed values with the ‘Calibration in memory’ values.
The ‘Displayed value‘ is the one visible on the screen.
The ‘Confirmed value‘ is the corresponding ‘Calibration in memory’ value.
Move the mouse with the keyboard to the cell to be modified and perform one of the following operations:
Double click (or press enter) to open a window for direct input of the new value. The limits of the allowed values and the unit of measurement are also shown. After editing, press enter to confirm.
Use the + and – keys to increase or decrease the value displayed in the current cell by an amount equal to the value set in the ‘increment’ section.
Type the new value to be applied in the ‘Correction. Assignement’ box and press enter. The entered number (corrected according to the scaling rules) will replace the current value
Type the offset from the current value in the ‘Correction. Addition and subtraction:’ box and press enter. The entered number will be algebraically added to the confirmed value and the sum (corrected according to the scaling rules) will replace the current value.
Type the percentage of correction from the current value in the ‘Correction box. Percentage of stored value: ‘and press enter. The displayed value will be modified by applying the indicated percentage correction to the confirmed value and the resulting value will be corrected according to the scaling rules.
Note on changes by offset and by percentage:
The modifications by offset or by percentage act on the confirmed value which remains the same until the user confirms the modifications with the confirmation command (F8).
If a cell contains the value 5 and you use the percentage change command indicating 50% you will get the value 7.5. If you press enter on the percentage change command indicating 50%, you will not get a further change of 50% of the resulting value but you will always get 7.5 because the change applies to the confirmed value which is still 5. Only after the confirmation of the first change (F8), the confirmed value will become 7.5 and a further 50% change of the value will change the value to 11.25.
Select a group of cells (click with the mouse and drag, click with the mouse + CTRL) and do one of the following:
Press enter to open a window for direct input of the new value. The limits of the allowed values and the unit of measurement are also shown. After editing, press enter to confirm.
Use the + and – keys to increase or decrease the value displayed in the current cell by an amount equal to the value set in the ‘increment’ section.
Type the new value to be applied in the ‘Correction. Assignement’ box and press enter. The entered number (corrected according to the scaling rules) will replace the current value
Type the offset from the current value in the ‘Correction. Addition and subtraction:’ box and press enter. The entered number will be algebraically added to the confirmed value and the sum (corrected according to the scaling rules) will replace the current value.
Type the percentage of correction from the current value in the ‘Correction box. Percentage of stored value: ‘and press enter. The displayed value will be modified by applying the indicated percentage correction to the confirmed value and the resulting value will be corrected according to the scaling rules.
The command allows you to fset the values of the initial and final cell and recalculate the intermediate values in order to define a linear trend.
Toolbar in the case of a map loaded from file
Toolbar in the case of a map loaded from the ECU
The ‘+‘command allows you to change the value of the selected cells by increasing it by an engineering quantity corresponding to the value indicated in the ‘increase’ area.
The Decrement command allows you to change the value of the selected cells by decreasing it by an engineering quantity corresponding to the value indicated in the ‘increase’ area.
The 2d Graph command allows you to view a two-dimensional graph of the curve below the table if it is applied to a curve or curves in which a map can be decomposed if it is a map.
On the graph, the cell that is active for editing is highlighted with a blue vertical line
The 3d Graph command, which is active only for maps, allows you to view a three-dimensional graph of the map.
On the graph, the active cell for editing highlighted with a white and blue cross.
Use the left mouse button to rotate the graph.
The Animation command turns animation on and off for the current working point of the curve or map.
In the two-dimensional graph, when the animation is active, the working point of the curve or map is highlighted by a red vertical line.
In the two-dimensional graph the working point is highlighted by a red cross
The Animation command is available only for calibrations loaded from the control unit and if the channel corresponding to the breakpoint in the case of the curve or to the breakpoints in the case of the map have been configured in the descriptor.
The Export command allows you to copy the values and/or breakpoints of the curve or map to the side-by-side calibration or to the clipboard.
The Refresh data command is used to force the re-reading of the curve or map from the control unit.
Some types of curves and maps provide the possibility to edit the value of the breakpoints.
ECT signals this possibility by enabling the command also manageable with function key F9.
The command activates and deactivates the breakpoint modification mode.
When editing is enabled, a breakpoint can be selected for editing, and values cannot be selected and edited.
Conversely, when editing is disabled, it is not possible to select breakpoints.
Number of breakpoints
The number of breakpoints is fixed and is established in the descriptor.
However, it is possible to deactivate breakpoints by making their value = to the value of the first breakpoint and it is possible to reactivate the breakpoint by assigning it a value different from that of the first breakpoint.
ECT can make disabled breakpoints invisible to make it easier to understand which breakpoints are actually used. This gives the impression that the breakpoints can vary in number. The commands that allow you to deactivate and reactivate breakpoints are also defined for simplicity ‘Delete breakpoint’ and ‘Add breakpoint’ but in reality breakpoints are never really deleted or added.
To always have a complete view of all breakpoints select the ‘Show all breakpoints‘ option on the options page
Quando la modifica è abilitata possono diventare disponibili i seguenti comandi
Add break point.
Command to insert a new breakpoint.
The command is active if there are deactivated breakpoints between the breakpoints of the curve or the map, i.e. breakpoints whose value is equal to the value of the first breakpoint.
The command opens a window similar to the one used for assigning a value.
After confirmation, the breakpoints, including the one just ‘inserted’, are reordered.
Add N break points.
Command to insert a series of new breakpoints.
The command is active if there are deactivated breakpoints between the breakpoints of the curve or the map, i.e. breakpoints whose value is equal to the value of the first breakpoint.
The user is prompted to specify
- the number of breakpoints to insert
- the value of the first breakpoint to insert
- the step between breakpoints
After confirmation, the breakpoints, including those just ‘inserted’ are reordered.
Delete a break point.
Command to delete the selected breakpoint.
The command is active if there are more than 1 active breakpoints of the curve or map.
The command requires confirmation.
Free editing
The command activates the display of a complete list of breakpoints which also includes the inactive breakpoints.
The values of the list can be changed freely using direct writing in the cells and copy and paste. The entered values are then automatically corrected, returning them to the range of allowed values.
After confirmation, the breakpoints are reordered.