Each device in the EFI Technology may provide for the flashing of certain types of sw in the unit.
For each type of sw present in the control unit, the possibility of flashing the sw and the programming mode depends on the specifications of the project and varies from product to product.
Low-level software
Reprogrammable in some EFI systems with custom algorithm used by ECT Memoryinterface module for legacy devices and with Pseudoprogrammer for current devices .
Low level software that provides for the presence of the kernel.
Reprogrammable in many EFI systems with custom algorithm used by ECT Memoryinterface module for legacy devices and with Pseudoprogrammer for current devices .
Software for the engine calibration or similar purposes .
Often the maintenance of this sw is charged to the customer .
On many EFI devices, calibrations can be programmed into the ECU, downloaded from the ECU and edited using the downloaded file or online.
Other auxiliary software
Often similar to the firmware
The management of the parameters for programming the memory areas requires a thorough knowledge of the design specifications of the device. For this reason, the parameters are set by the designers and should not be changed .
The memory areas handled in this section can be divided into 2 types
Calibrations ( main, setup and learn)
The memory areas that belong to the calibration type, can be handled in calibrationeditor. A crucial step the make these memory areas manageable in calibrationeditor is the definition of a descriptor of the same type ( main, setup, learn) in the calibration section.
The extension can be regarded as the ID of the memory .
The extension is free for the generic memory areas while it is automatically set by ECT for the memory areas corresponding to the calibrations.
Può esserci solo 1 record significativo per un’estensione di tipo generico mentre possono esserci più record significativi per un’estensione di tipo calibrazione. There can only be 1 significant record for an extension of a generic memory area while there may be multiple significant records for an extension of a calibration memory area.
Programming algorithm
To be set according to the specifications of the designers