ECT 1 is a software package that allows the management of devices designed by EFI Technology S.r.l.
With ECT you can:
- transmit updated software to EFI devices 2
- display data in real time
- view and modify the calibrations online and offline
- record data of all parameters shown on a data display
- analyze the recorded data with a graphic tool
- manage the ECU databases and generate A2L files
- manage ASAP3 communication
ECT is released along with other software tools that complement its functionality and allow communication with the device. In the package called ‘EFI software Installer’ that can be downloaded from the website of EFI Technology Srl there are five installation packages:
EFI Technology Drivers. The Windows driver required for the functioning of the communication interfaces EFI. The installation of this software is essential for all functions involving communication with ECT devices.
EFI communication server. The software that interfaces with the driver and provides the communication primitives to other software such as ECT. The installation of this software is essential for all functions involving communication with devices.
PseudoProgrammer – Programmer for EFI ECU. The software for the programming of the devices with a kernel of the latest generation. It can operate in stand-alone or be invoked as a tool to ECT. The installation of this software is essential if you intend to use ECT for programming devices based on the latest kernel.
ECT. The software described in this documentation.
- ECU Logger. The software used to download the data acquired by the EFI control units.