ECT is a collection of several applications specialized for particular tasks.
Main Menu bar. The first application you see when you launch ECT. It is the main menu of ECT that provides access to all the other tools.
Device editor. The devices that ECT can handle are electronic devices provided with CAN communication line, typically ECUs. In order to access data of a physical device, ECT must have a database file [devicename].XML corresponding to the physical device. ECT reads from this database the information it needs to visualize data, program firmware, manage engine maps, etc. The device editor provides access to this kind of databases.
Profile manager. A profile is a custom environment that allows user to save under an identification name a collection of displays together with a set of data stored in a database file [profilename].PDB. The profile manager provides commands to create, delete, copy, import and export profiles.
Displays. You can create screens displaying any ECU parameter measured and calculated for each type of ECU. A screen can display any number of channels in any size, font and colour. You can add LED’s in various colours to ease the data monitoring and potentiometers for easy adjustments of numerous parameters. The display screen is also used to configure your AMC. If the device database is ELF oriented, you can also use a screen to display calibration values. Displays tool provides commands to create, modify, organize and load this kind of screens.
Calibration editor. The Calibration editor opens the editor and gives access to the data in both the engine and the ECU Setup calibrations. Both types of calibrations can be accessed working either online with the ECU or offline.
Memory interface. Memory interface provides access to commands to flash the device memory, to read and write the calibration, to manage diagnostic functions (if available for the current device), to manage the making of HDP and CRP files.
Charting tool. Tool for the graphical display of data recorded from the control unit by the Display module using the F3 function. It can also open MDF files from other systems.
- ASAP3. It allows communication with a test bench enabled for the ASAM ASAP 3 protocol
- Oscilloscope
Tool for configuring and launching high frequency data acquisition in the control unit. Acquisition can only be performed if the firmware programmed on the device includes the necessary code and resources.